Kami menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan perlengakapan dan peralatan tekhnik. Kami nyediakan bermacam-macam tool aksesoris, Digital Measurement, Machinery, Cutting Tools, dan General Tools lainnya. Semua produk berkualitas kami sediakan untuk memenuhi kecepatan, ketepatan dan efisiensi pekerjaan/pengerjaan industri anda sehari-hari. ~PT.Yakin Maju Sentosa~

Kamis, 28 November 2013


" The MD series dial pneumatic micrometers are precision comparators utilizing the flow of high pressure air. Back pressure which is amplified in proportion to a small clearance is indicated on the dial gauge. Unique adjustment functions allow for accurate magnification adjustment over a wide range. High pressure air blows off dust, oil, etc. to ensure accurate measurement and quick response. "

* The pneumatic micrometer offers all the advantages of non-contact measurement, high magnification, remote measurement, high efficiency, etc.
* The high pressure air type allows for a wide clearance between the measuring probe and object, hence offers a wide measuring range and prolongs the probe life.
* The precision regulator and amplifier relay assures accurate measurement, stable indication, and very quick response.
* Magnification can be adjusted over a wide range, and any desired measuring range can be obtained simply by changing the scale board.
* Several models of different magnifications, from low to high, are available.
* Not only the simple type but also the duplex type is very compact and easy to use.
* The dual indicator has two pointers ( black and red) , facilitating the correlation of dimensions of two parts to be seen easily.
* As the probe nozzle, even a nonstandard one can be used.
Tambahkan Keranjang

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