Kami menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan perlengakapan dan peralatan tekhnik. Kami nyediakan bermacam-macam tool aksesoris, Digital Measurement, Machinery, Cutting Tools, dan General Tools lainnya. Semua produk berkualitas kami sediakan untuk memenuhi kecepatan, ketepatan dan efisiensi pekerjaan/pengerjaan industri anda sehari-hari. ~PT.Yakin Maju Sentosa~

Who We Are

PT. Yakin Maju Sentosa is a leading industrial distribution company in Indonesia that provides engineering solutions to a substantial client base in the automotive, aerospace, marine and general production industries. Since 1975, Yakin Maju has been driving productivity and efficiency by providing solutions in precision manufacturing processes. Our diverse portfolio of products comprise of cutting tools, machinery, machine tool accessories and high-technology metrology equipment carefully sourced from worldwide. Yakin Maju's products and services cater to both large enterprises and small workshops.

With 5 major branches in Jakarta, Cikarang, Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya, we are able to provide customers with technical advice, troubleshooting and repair services, timely delivery, and on-site visits to understand your particular needs and challenges. PT. Yakin Maju Sentosa prides itself on having deep and long lasting relationships with our customers, supplies, and their people.

To serve the wide-ranging and evolving needs of our customers, we have continually sought to expand our product portfolio and our technical capability. Our vast portfolio has allowed us to unlock synergies between our brands and integrate products to better serve our customers.