Kami menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan perlengakapan dan peralatan tekhnik. Kami nyediakan bermacam-macam tool aksesoris, Digital Measurement, Machinery, Cutting Tools, dan General Tools lainnya. Semua produk berkualitas kami sediakan untuk memenuhi kecepatan, ketepatan dan efisiensi pekerjaan/pengerjaan industri anda sehari-hari. ~PT.Yakin Maju Sentosa~

Profil Yakin Maju Surabaya

~PT.Yakin Maju Sentosa~ Kami menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan perlengakapan dan peralatan tekhnik. Kami nyediakan bermacam-macam tool aksesoris, Digital Measurement, Machinery, Cutting Tools, dan General Tools lainnya. Semua produk berkualitas kami sediakan untuk memenuhi kecepatan, ketepatan dan efisiensi pekerjaan/pengerjaan industri anda sehari-hari.
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Dial Indicator. Tampilkan semua postingan
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Dial Indicator. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 27 November 2013

Sylvac Digital Dial Test Indicators

Specification Feature : Sylvac Digital Dial Test Indicators ( S_ Dial S234 )
• Protacting rating IP65 according to IEC 60529
• Digital and analogic display
• Water and coolant resistant
• Data output RS 232 combined with external power
• Battery life : 5’ 000 hours continuous
• Automatic switch OFF
• Delivered with Stem Ø 8 mm and dovetail back
• Rotating display by 360°
• Digital display LCD, Height of digits 6 mm
• Zero setting by turning the polymide case ( Rotating display by 360° )
• Analogic display
• Measuring insert with tungsten carbide ball Ø 2 mm, moveable by 270° , interchangeable M 1.4

Origin: Switzerland
Tambahkan Keranjang

Sylvac Mini Digital Dial Indicator

Specification Feature :
Sylvac Mini Digital Dial Indicator ( S_ Dial S233 )
• Compact, small diameter
• Water and coolant resistant, protection rating IP65 according to IEC 60529
• Data output RS232 combined with external power supply
• Interchangeable contant point M 2.5
• Clamping Stem Ø 8-h6 in hardened ang ground stainless steel and dovetail back
• Battery life : 5' 000 hours continuous
• Automatic power shut down
• Version : Standard, Analogic and Vertical
• Polyamide case, fixed display
• Digital display LCD, Height of digits 6 mm
• Interchangeable contact point, stainless steel with TC ball

Origin: Switzerland
Tambahkan Keranjang

Sylvac Digital Dial Indicators

Specification Feature :
Sylvac Digital Dial Indicators ( S_ Dial S229 )
• Data output Opto-RS232 or Opto-USB
• Battery life: 4’ 400 hours continuous
• Measuring range from 12.5 to 150 mm
• Simplified functions
• Strong construction
• Aluminium case rotating display over 270°
• Clamping stem Ø 8-h6 in hardened and ground stainless steel
• Measuring spindle hardened and gounded in stainless steel
• Digital display LCD height of digits 8.5 mm
• Interchangeable contact point M 2.5 with ball probe in hard metal

Origin : Switzerland
Tambahkan Keranjang