Kami menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan perlengakapan dan peralatan tekhnik. Kami nyediakan bermacam-macam tool aksesoris, Digital Measurement, Machinery, Cutting Tools, dan General Tools lainnya. Semua produk berkualitas kami sediakan untuk memenuhi kecepatan, ketepatan dan efisiensi pekerjaan/pengerjaan industri anda sehari-hari. ~PT.Yakin Maju Sentosa~

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~PT.Yakin Maju Sentosa~ Kami menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan perlengakapan dan peralatan tekhnik. Kami nyediakan bermacam-macam tool aksesoris, Digital Measurement, Machinery, Cutting Tools, dan General Tools lainnya. Semua produk berkualitas kami sediakan untuk memenuhi kecepatan, ketepatan dan efisiensi pekerjaan/pengerjaan industri anda sehari-hari.
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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Inspex. Tampilkan semua postingan

Kamis, 28 November 2013

IPX-311 Portable Hardness Tester

Inspex Portable Hardness Tester IPX-311
Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with integrated impact device, large memory, USB data output

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Wide measuring range in HLC value and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB and Shore HS
• Suitable for testing most metals
• Tests at any angle, even upside down
• Data output via USB port in a batch of 1250 average readings
• Indent number/ average display
• Lower and upper limits setting with Low-High display judgement
• High accuracy ± 0.5%
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
• Rechargeable lithium battery
• Data software and USB data cable as standard delivery
Tambahkan Keranjang

IPX-310 Portable Hardness Tester

Inspex Portable Hardness Tester IPX-310
Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with integrated impact device, large memory, USB data output

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Wide measuring range in HLD value and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB and Shore HS
• Suitable for testing most metals
# Tests at any angle, even upside down
• Data output via USB port in a batch of 1250 average readings
• Indent number/ average display
• Lower and upper limits setting with Low-High display judgement
• High accuracy ± 0.5%
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
• Rechargeable lithium battery
• Data software and USB data cable as standard delivery
Tambahkan Keranjang

IPX-201F Coating Thickness Gauge

Inspex Coating Thickness Gauge IPX-201F
Handheld coating thickness gauge with F-probe for steel substrates

• Clear 4 digit segment LCD display
• Magnetic induction measuring principle
• Non-magnetic coating on ferrous substrates
• Easy calibration

Optional accessories
• INSPEX calibration foils in various thicknesses
• UKAS calibration foils in various thicknesses
• Measuring range:
0-200¼ m / 0-8mil
0-500¼ m / 0-20mil
0-2000¼ m / 0-80mil
0 up to 15000¼ m / 600mil with different probes
Tambahkan Keranjang

IPX-330 Portable Hardness Tester

Inspex Portable Hardness Tester IPX-330
Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with hardness conversion and automatic position setting

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Wide measuring range in HL value and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB and Shore HS
• For most metals ( see table next page)
• Impact device provides testing at any angle, even upside down
• Data output RS-232 and internal memory in a batch of 1250 average readings
• Date and time display
• Lower and upper limits setting with Low-High display judge
• High accuracy ± 0.5%
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
• Six impact devices are available for special applications ( see overview)
• Works on standard AAA batteries; auto-off after two minutes
Tambahkan Keranjang

IPX-312 Portable Hardness Tester

Inspex Portable Hardness Tester IPX-312
Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with integrated impact device, large memory, USB data output

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Wide measuring range in HLDL value and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB and Shore HS
• Suitable for testing most metals
• Tests at any angle, even upside down
• Data output via USB port in a batch of 1250 average readings
• Indent number/ average display
• Lower and upper limits setting with Low-High display judgement
• High accuracy ± 0.5%
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
• Rechargeable lithium battery
• Data software and USB data cable as standard delivery
Tambahkan Keranjang


For periodical inspection of machines with external probe ( temperature reading only IPX-603)

• Basic compact analyser for predictive maintenance of machinery
• For checking of unbalance, misalignment, bearings and gears
• External accelerometer with cable and magnetic base
• Temperature probe for contact temp ( IPX-603)
• Low frequency mode Lo-RMS to test low vibrations
• High frequency mode to test average acceleration ( Hi AVE) and single peak displacement ( Hi PEAK)
• Large frequency range
• Battery power 9V
• Accuracy : Vibration + 5% of display value ( + 2 digits) Temperature + 1% of display value ( + 1 digit) ( IPX-603)
Tambahkan Keranjang


Handheld ultrasonic thickness gauge basic model with selectable sound velocity for various materials

• Basic model ultrasonic wall thickness gauge
• Suitable for various materials such as steel, stainless steel, aluminium, glass, polystyrene, polyethylene
• Standard 5.0 MHz transducer included, optional transducers 6.0 MHz, 5.0 MHz high temperature up to 300° C
• Sound velocity range 500 up to 9000 m/ s
• Clear 4-Digit LCD display with settings
• Display resolution at 0.1mm / 0.001”
• Fast calibration on integrated standard block of 5mm ( 5920m/ s)
Tambahkan Keranjang


Handheld coating thickness gauge with F and N-probes for steel and non-ferrous substrates

• Clear 4 digit segment LCD display
• Magnetic induction / eddy current measuring principle
• Non-magnetic coating on ferrous substrates and insulating coating on non-ferrous conductible substrates
• Easy calibration
• Measuring range: 0 - 1000 µ m with standard probe
• Accuracy : ± ( 1~ 3% n) or ± 2.5µ m
Tambahkan Keranjang


Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with hardness conversion and automatic position setting.

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Impact device D integrated: no cables!
• Wide measuring range in HL and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB, Shore HS
• For most metals ( see table)
• Provides testing at any angle, even upside down
• Simple handling and low test expenditure
• High accuracy tolerance of maximum 0.5% on solid parts
• Clear LCD display showing all functions and parameters
• Data output RS-232 and internal memory batch of 255 average readings
• Optional printer available
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
Tambahkan Keranjang