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~PT.Yakin Maju Sentosa~ Kami menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan perlengakapan dan peralatan tekhnik. Kami nyediakan bermacam-macam tool aksesoris, Digital Measurement, Machinery, Cutting Tools, dan General Tools lainnya. Semua produk berkualitas kami sediakan untuk memenuhi kecepatan, ketepatan dan efisiensi pekerjaan/pengerjaan industri anda sehari-hari.
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Hardness Tester. Tampilkan semua postingan
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Hardness Tester. Tampilkan semua postingan

Kamis, 28 November 2013

IPX-311 Portable Hardness Tester

Inspex Portable Hardness Tester IPX-311
Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with integrated impact device, large memory, USB data output

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Wide measuring range in HLC value and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB and Shore HS
• Suitable for testing most metals
• Tests at any angle, even upside down
• Data output via USB port in a batch of 1250 average readings
• Indent number/ average display
• Lower and upper limits setting with Low-High display judgement
• High accuracy ± 0.5%
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
• Rechargeable lithium battery
• Data software and USB data cable as standard delivery
Tambahkan Keranjang

IPX-310 Portable Hardness Tester

Inspex Portable Hardness Tester IPX-310
Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with integrated impact device, large memory, USB data output

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Wide measuring range in HLD value and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB and Shore HS
• Suitable for testing most metals
# Tests at any angle, even upside down
• Data output via USB port in a batch of 1250 average readings
• Indent number/ average display
• Lower and upper limits setting with Low-High display judgement
• High accuracy ± 0.5%
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
• Rechargeable lithium battery
• Data software and USB data cable as standard delivery
Tambahkan Keranjang

IPX-330 Portable Hardness Tester

Inspex Portable Hardness Tester IPX-330
Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with hardness conversion and automatic position setting

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Wide measuring range in HL value and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB and Shore HS
• For most metals ( see table next page)
• Impact device provides testing at any angle, even upside down
• Data output RS-232 and internal memory in a batch of 1250 average readings
• Date and time display
• Lower and upper limits setting with Low-High display judge
• High accuracy ± 0.5%
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
• Six impact devices are available for special applications ( see overview)
• Works on standard AAA batteries; auto-off after two minutes
Tambahkan Keranjang

IPX-312 Portable Hardness Tester

Inspex Portable Hardness Tester IPX-312
Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with integrated impact device, large memory, USB data output

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Wide measuring range in HLDL value and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB and Shore HS
• Suitable for testing most metals
• Tests at any angle, even upside down
• Data output via USB port in a batch of 1250 average readings
• Indent number/ average display
• Lower and upper limits setting with Low-High display judgement
• High accuracy ± 0.5%
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
• Rechargeable lithium battery
• Data software and USB data cable as standard delivery
Tambahkan Keranjang

Premium Hardness Tester EW-650 Series

Premium Rockwell Hardness Tester EW-650 Series
LCD touch screen, superior functionality, ultra high precision, 3 models available

• Measures all standard Rockwell hardness values
• Simultaneous conversion to HV, HB and other HR scales
• Rugged fine casted frame, allowing larger dimension work pieces
• ASTM, ISO, JIS compliant
• ESELOAD™ unique motorised load application system, auto selection of main loads depending on HR scale ( 656 & 657 only)
• Superior depth measuring system through Heidenhain ( Germany) transducer
• ESETOUCH™ advanced LCD touch screen & operator panel with user friendly menu operation in multiple languages
• High speed preload, loading and unloading procedure for ultra high efficiency
• ESELIFT™ ( 657 only) motorised elevating screw simplifies and speeds up test operation
• Automatic measurement procedure, load / dwell / unload ( 655 & 656 models)
• ESEMATIC™ fully automatic positioning and measuring procedure ( positioning, preload, load, dwell, unload ( 657 only) )
• Storage of 50 test programs and tester settings, allowing you to set up your tester in just seconds
• Alpha numerical data entry
• Continuous automatic “ online’ ’ statistics, incl. average of readings etc.
• Storage of 99 single hardness values
• Go / No Go mode
• Convex and concave measuring mode
• Calibration date expired ( reminder)
• Service mode including electronic linearity calibration, tests counter, maintenance system
• Prints statistics to built--in printer or external printer
• Built-in high speed printer and USB2 data output with network capability
Tambahkan Keranjang

Rockwell Hardness Tester CV-600MBD

Basic Digital Superficial Rockwell Hardness Tester CV-600MBD
Basic digital motorised bench hardness tester for superficial Rockwell scales

• Basic superficial digital Rockwell type bench tester offering accuracy, reliability and durability at an extremely affordable price
• Rugged construction, will withstand toughest environments
• Superficial: HRN, T, W, X and Y
• Standard delivery includes range of test anvils, indenters and test blocks
• Accuracy conforms to EN-ISO 6508 and ASTM-E18
• Large capacity to accommodate even larger test specimens
• Calibration and UKAS Certification service available
• Large back-lit LCD display with load progress bar gives visual control over the load application process
• Selectable control of load duration ( dwell time)
Tambahkan Keranjang

Rockwell Hardness Tester CV-600D

Rockwell Hardness Tester CV-600D
Bright LCD display with hardness conversion, tolerance check, built-in printer and data-output

• Digital LCD reading of 15 regular Rockwell scales!
• Conversion to all other hardness scales such as Vickers and Brinell
• Menu operated LCD screen with many functions such as GO/ NO GO judgement, Conversions, Load cycle indication, Date, Time
• Integrated printer for test result and statistics
• RS-232 data output to Microsoft Hyperterminal, Win Wedge, etc
• Accuracy, reliability and durability at extremely affordable price
• Rugged construction, will stand up to the harshest environments
• Accuracy conforms to EN-ISO 6508 and ASTM E-18
• Easy load force selection by robust dial knob
• Large working space accomodates also larger specimen
• Standard delivery including accessories ready for testing
• Electronic software calibration mode
Tambahkan Keranjang

Rockwell Hardness Tester CV-600MA

Rockwell Hardness Tester CV-600MA
Motorised hardness tester for regular Rockwell scale

• Regular Rockwell scales
• Electronic control of load duration ( dwell time)
• Motorised testing procedure
• Accuracy, reliability and durability at an extremely affordable price
• Rugged construction, will stand up to the harshest environments
• Accuracy conforms to EN-ISO 6508 & ASTM E-18
• Standard delivery including accessories ready for testing all scales
Tambahkan Keranjang

Universal Digital Rockwell Indicator

• Indication on dispaly :
Progess bar for preload, preload applied, main load applied, dwell time, invalid reading, invalid measurement, invalid procedure, rockwell value, scale applied
• Measuring protocol :
• Sensor :
• System accuracy :
< 0.001 mm/ 0, 1 HRC
• Dispaly :
Blue/ white backlit grhapical LCD
Tambahkan Keranjang


300mm screen projector with multi-function readout unit, printer and data output

• Top quality profile projector highly versatile and easy to operate
• Large travel range 150mm x 50mm ( 6” x 2” ) as standard
• Linear scale stage with 0.001mm resolution
• Fine ground glass screen for clear image with cross hairs
• Screen complete with cross hair lines and chart clips
• Built-in profile and surface illumination
• 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x projection lenses available
• Data output via RS-232 interface
• Display-readout unit CV-DC300 included in standard delivery

Tambahkan Keranjang


Handheld dynamic metal hardness tester with hardness conversion and automatic position setting.

• Dynamic hardness testing; quick and reliable
• Impact device D integrated: no cables!
• Wide measuring range in HL and direct display of converted hardness values in Rockwell HRB, HRC, Vickers HV, Brinell HB, Shore HS
• For most metals ( see table)
• Provides testing at any angle, even upside down
• Simple handling and low test expenditure
• High accuracy tolerance of maximum 0.5% on solid parts
• Clear LCD display showing all functions and parameters
• Data output RS-232 and internal memory batch of 255 average readings
• Optional printer available
• Conforming to ASTM A 956
Tambahkan Keranjang

Rockwell Hardness Tester CV-600BD

Our recently developed Universal Digital Rockwell Indicator that fits in our wide range of Rockwell Hardness testers, such as the CV-600A, CV-600MA and CV-600MA/ S.

As the Rockwell and Superficial Rockwell testing procedure demands highly
accurate depth readings, a new sensor has been developed and applied to ensure that the penetration of the indenter in the tested object, is measured with an accuracy of 0.001mm or better.

Advantages Of The CV-600BD Series Digital Rockwell Hardness Testers:
• Large back-lit LCD display with load
• Progress bar gives visiual control over the load application process
• Avoids reading error and increases efficiency of your Rockwell hardness tester
• Automatic measuring procedure after pre-load has been reached
• Automatic conversion to all common Rockwell scales
• Automatic ISO / ASTM procedure function ( can be switched off)
Tambahkan Keranjang