Kami menjual berbagai macam kebutuhan perlengakapan dan peralatan tekhnik. Kami nyediakan bermacam-macam tool aksesoris, Digital Measurement, Machinery, Cutting Tools, dan General Tools lainnya. Semua produk berkualitas kami sediakan untuk memenuhi kecepatan, ketepatan dan efisiensi pekerjaan/pengerjaan industri anda sehari-hari. ~PT.Yakin Maju Sentosa~

Rabu, 27 November 2013

Sylvac Measuring Bench Table PS15

Sylvac Measuring Bench Table PS15
• Small horizontal or vertical bench table designed to easily and quickly check small parts up to 20 mm.
• The measured value will be displayed either with Sylvac digital gauge 12.5 mm range 0.01 mm or 0.001 mm reading, or to reach an overall accuracy of 0.6 ¼ m and a repeatability of 0.2 ¼ m.
• This bench table can be equipped with different kind of tables as well as with several types of anvils of any shapes
• Flexible device thanks to the Ø 8 mm
• 3 axis adjustable table
• Large possibilities of special applications on request. See document Catalog PS15-16-17 below
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